German is a big part in every students’ life, not only in the sense of it being a subject, but also in that it affects other areas – for example this could be in written maths problems or writing essays in history. It is really important that the student’s language skills are not just fit for daily use, but also that their spelling, writing, reading, grammar and communication skills are well developed. porta mundi pursues a holistic approach in which all these skills are linked. The structures of the language are also taught so that students can compare them with foreign languages and gain an overall picture.
porta mundi also specialises in teaching German as a second language and offers comprehensive support for this option.
Our tuition courses for German focus on the following three core areas for the specific support of your child
Tutoring courses German "Essay training"
Tutoring courses with dyslexia
Tutoring courses DaZ (German as a second language)
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