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02.02.25 mock exam - LZG (M2/SO/S1)

online & offline participation possible

CHF 280.-


Our simulation exam on Sunday mornings offers comprehensive preparation for the upcoming Gymi exam in March 2025.

Choose flexibly between online or on-site participation for your child. The mock exam gives your child the opportunity to test themselves under realistic conditions.

Experienced teachers ensure that the exam questions meet the current requirements. Register now and maximise your child's chances of success!

Prepare your child ideally for the upcoming Gymi exam. The simulation exam on Sunday morning creates a realistic exam environment in which your child can experience the actual exam conditions at first hand.

Thanks to precisely developed exam questions and an authentic exam situation, students can prepare themselves optimally for the big day of the grammar school entrance exam.

Our simulation exam also helps to reduce exam anxiety and provides valuable insights into your child's current performance in the relevant exam subjects of German and maths.

Exam date
Sunday, 02.02.2025

  • 08:00 - 08:45: German language test
  • 09:15 - 10:15: Maths
  • 10:45 - 11:45 am: German essay

Exam venues
Your child can take the exam from the comfort of their own home (online) or on site (offline).

Online participation
via our in-house porta mundi examination platform

Offline participation
at our school premises in Erlenbach ZH

  • Direct connection to the railway station
  • 1 minute walk from Winkel train station on Lake Zurich
  • Well-developed car parking facilities available

Our advantages

  • Advanced examination material
    Our examination papers are updated annually to meet the latest requirements and the expected level of examination.
  • Experienced exam assessors
    Our teachers have in-depth and sound experience in the assessment of grammar school entrance exams.
  • Real exam simulation
    Authentic conditions to ensure an effective Gymi exam preparation under real conditions for your child.

You will receive a detailed written assessment from us before the sports holidays, including grading of your child's exam performance. This gives you and your child the important opportunity to recognise possible weaknesses and gaps at an early stage and - through targeted individual coaching sessions with our experienced teachers - to close them in a targeted manner. So that everything goes smoothly on the big day.

All results and relevant documents are made available to you online in a data-protected environment once the simulation test has been corrected.

No preparatory work required on the part of parents
*If you take part online, the exam material will be sent to your current home address in printed form in advance. If you take part on site, the exams will be handed out in printed form under real conditions on the day of the simulation exam.

Flat rate CHF 280.-
*Discount option: Book both simulation exam modules (M1+M2) and pay only CHF 499.00 instead of the usual CHF 560.00. This gives you the opportunity to evaluate and support your child's learning progress at a low price.

Limited number of places
*For quality reasons, our examination programme is only available in limited numbers

  • Online: 30 students
  • Offline: 15 students

With our offer, you give your child the best possible preparation for the Gymi exam, which takes place throughout Switzerland in March 2025.

Choose your preferred participation option (online or offline) and give your child this valuable and genuine exam experience in a safe environment without consequences. The motto for your child is therefore "Properly prepared for the Gymi exam = half the battle to success"

Contact information:
Do you still have questions about this offer? Our team will be happy to advise you.

  • Phone: +41795065707
  • E-mail: info@portamundi.org
  • Book a free initial consultation here

*Note: This course is taught by Franziska Basler