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Holiday courses Christmas holidays (KW1)

Primary maths homework, the ideal holiday preparation for high school

CHF 500.-


This course is aimed to all students who want to gain more confidence and routine in maths text problems. The focus of this learning week is explicitly on text problems in maths and the associated approach. In this way, your child can also achieve the maximum number of points in the Gymi exam.

Would you like to give your child the best possible preparation for the Gymi exam? Secure one of the highly sought-after places on our intensive "Understanding maths text problems" course for primary school pupils now. The perfect strategy for optimal preparation for the future gymi entrance exam in Zurich.

Our intensive training plan includes all the important topics relating to understanding maths text problems as well as all the important tips and tricks. In groups of 6, we practise and train specifically and individually when other children take a holiday break: The absolute insider tip as a boost for your child's grammar school preparation.

Thanks to our in-house learning material and our teachers, who have many years of experience in comprehensive gymi preparation, we offer the perfect learning environment to ensure the best possible learning success for your child.

The course consists of different text tasks than our other course offerings with a specialisation in group coaching during the school holidays to optimise your child's learning success.

This course programme is therefore ideal as remedial training if your child has already attended previous maths courses. However, the course can also be attended without any previous knowledge.

Date & time
29.12.2025 – 02.01.2026
10.45 - 12.15

Course location
Erlenbach ZH - Seestrasse 141

  • Direct train station connection
  • Only 1 minute walk from Winkel railway station on Lake Zurich to the course location
  • Well-equipped car park

Course costs
Flat rate CHF 500.-
* If the course is booked together with the primary essay course, a discount of CHF 100 (20% discount) will be granted.

Please note that this course is only allowed a maximum number of 6 students